Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Social Class

I think our school is clearly divided. Some are rich, some are loners, some are very popular, and some are somewhere in the middle.

Coming from another country and completely different way of living a life and seeing people, i can clearly see, i mean CLEARLY how this school is different from many others...

Those cool, popular kids, they only hang out with cool and popular kids, never actually realizing that regular kids can be as much fun as "the popular".

To be honest, i really think about it a lot, because i can see it so much, how everyone is different.
For example, i was one of the coolest kids in my school in Russia. Everyone knew me, i am noteven joking, everyone! But here, i am no one, just another numbered student....so for me, it was really really difficult at first but now, i don't pay attention to those kinds of things, because friends are friends no matter how cool or uncool you are or you have become.

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