Thursday, May 29, 2008


I really haven't talked/learned about race until i moved to USA.In Belarus, race was not a big deal, i mean it was not even a deal, at least for me, I've never heard racial jokes or anything and that's maybe because of the people i was friends with.

I don't understand why a black person is different from a white or an asian. We are all humans and black people can be very bad, so can the white and the asian. It's just the way you've been brought up in life and the way you look at things.

I personally never ever cared if a person is black or white, as long as that person was my friend and a good person. It's funny, because in Belarus you obviously don't see a lot of black people, but a lot of students from Africa come to study, so when you see a black person you will look at him/her and it's just something abnormal. But they were treated EXACTLY as i was and there was no difference. It was cool being friends with a black guy or a girl, because of their different culture.

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