Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Prison

I watched this movie called the "Shawshank Redemption" and i can't tell you enough how amazing it was.
After being in prison people become institutionalized. They become prisoners of their own bodies. After spending most of your life in prison one can almost never adapt to the outside world. When one comes out from prison, hopefully he or she has somewhere to go back to, or someone, otherwise it is extremely hard to get back on your feet. You won't be able to find a job that will actually pay you good, and even if you do find some decent job, it will still be hard to be around regular people and just do things that you haven't done for years. I just can't imagine how hard it could get. Plus, as some say if you spend sometime in prison there's a huge chance of you getting right back in. So most people are freed but not for long. They will still get into some kind of trouble and get back behind the bars. I guess i can somehow compare it with serious drugs, once you tried you can never go back, meaning you get addicted to drugs just as you get addicted of committing crimes. It's just that simple....

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