Wednesday, May 7, 2008

R.I.P my friend....

I am in a stage of shock. Yesterday i found out that my friend, my ex co-worker that i've known for such a long time had passed away. That thought still can't cross my mind, and i still cannot believe it.
He had diabites and from i heard he went into diabetic coma in his sleep. He died ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! He died on his birthday but the body was found few days later in his apartment..I can't believe that a life of a such an amazing person could have been taking away. So young....such an amazing person..words can't describe it.... It's not is not fair....



Sal said...

I am so sorry I didn't comment sooner on this blog, although I know we talked in class. I hope you remember our Tuesdays with Morrie movie and discussion. Joey is still a part of you. You can still feel his presence, his love, etc... even if he is not physically here. Death is as much a part of life as anything else. Morrie said that Buddhists put a little bird on their shoulder and ask it everyday if today is the day they will die. He said you will live your life differently if that is what you do. Maybe Joey teaches us that and we love him for that. In the meantime, if you need anything or are having trouble with anything, please speak up to someone. Feel free to call on me if you'd like.

Inga F said...

Hey Ally, I am really sorry about your friend its such a hard thing to go through because then you start feeling guitly and certain memories kick in like oh I should picked up the phone that one time, or I should have seen him that one time. I'm lucky I havent went through many deaths but I have went through some that I will never forget. Its hard but all you have are the memories and don't blame yourself for anything! hang in there!