Thursday, May 29, 2008


I really haven't talked/learned about race until i moved to USA.In Belarus, race was not a big deal, i mean it was not even a deal, at least for me, I've never heard racial jokes or anything and that's maybe because of the people i was friends with.

I don't understand why a black person is different from a white or an asian. We are all humans and black people can be very bad, so can the white and the asian. It's just the way you've been brought up in life and the way you look at things.

I personally never ever cared if a person is black or white, as long as that person was my friend and a good person. It's funny, because in Belarus you obviously don't see a lot of black people, but a lot of students from Africa come to study, so when you see a black person you will look at him/her and it's just something abnormal. But they were treated EXACTLY as i was and there was no difference. It was cool being friends with a black guy or a girl, because of their different culture.

Community service

The community service that i did was very interesting. I worked with elderly people and i also worked with kids. It was such a big difference between the two services that i did, and i still loved it. I experienced something new, something that i haven't done before and i am glad to say that i liked it.
It was hard to see how hard it is for elderly people to live at a nursing home, it was very sad. My grandmother is 90 years old and she lives by herself in Belarus. I can only imagine how hard it is. I mean first off all being there by herself, everyday! yes, she has her girlfriends, but she doesn't have us. Her family is so far away that we can't be there every day. My other grandmother is younger but not by a lot and she also lives by herself. I just wish they could come here and live by us. The lady that i got to talk to had her daughter visit her everyday because she lives a street away from the nursing home, and still Esther was upset and not very happy about being at the nursing home. When i think of my grandmothers i can't imagine how hard it is for them, they are all by them selfs.

I got a lot from doing community service because it what makes us happy, to give, that's a key to being happy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Social Class

I think our school is clearly divided. Some are rich, some are loners, some are very popular, and some are somewhere in the middle.

Coming from another country and completely different way of living a life and seeing people, i can clearly see, i mean CLEARLY how this school is different from many others...

Those cool, popular kids, they only hang out with cool and popular kids, never actually realizing that regular kids can be as much fun as "the popular".

To be honest, i really think about it a lot, because i can see it so much, how everyone is different.
For example, i was one of the coolest kids in my school in Russia. Everyone knew me, i am noteven joking, everyone! But here, i am no one, just another numbered for me, it was really really difficult at first but now, i don't pay attention to those kinds of things, because friends are friends no matter how cool or uncool you are or you have become.

Tammy's life...

After watching that video about Tammy i thought for a second how lucky i am to be living in this country, and being able to go to school and drive a car...I mean, my family is not rich or wealthy at all. They are the working class if that's how you say it. I work for my own things and my parents work for us and for my future education. Sometimes i wanna say " i really really want to live in that huge house over there, but we can't afford it" but i realize more and more that i am happy the way i am. I am happy having what i have, and i shall say that i have a lot more that many people do, living in this country for only 3 years.
It is extremely sad how Tammy walks to work, and gets paid so little, it is heartbreaking to see her live a life she does...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

R.I.P my friend....

I am in a stage of shock. Yesterday i found out that my friend, my ex co-worker that i've known for such a long time had passed away. That thought still can't cross my mind, and i still cannot believe it.
He had diabites and from i heard he went into diabetic coma in his sleep. He died ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!! He died on his birthday but the body was found few days later in his apartment..I can't believe that a life of a such an amazing person could have been taking away. So young....such an amazing person..words can't describe it.... It's not is not fair....


The Prison

I watched this movie called the "Shawshank Redemption" and i can't tell you enough how amazing it was.
After being in prison people become institutionalized. They become prisoners of their own bodies. After spending most of your life in prison one can almost never adapt to the outside world. When one comes out from prison, hopefully he or she has somewhere to go back to, or someone, otherwise it is extremely hard to get back on your feet. You won't be able to find a job that will actually pay you good, and even if you do find some decent job, it will still be hard to be around regular people and just do things that you haven't done for years. I just can't imagine how hard it could get. Plus, as some say if you spend sometime in prison there's a huge chance of you getting right back in. So most people are freed but not for long. They will still get into some kind of trouble and get back behind the bars. I guess i can somehow compare it with serious drugs, once you tried you can never go back, meaning you get addicted to drugs just as you get addicted of committing crimes. It's just that simple....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chicago shootings...

So..i turn on the TV and what i hear? " 35 dead people( or something like that) over the weekend in the south side of Chicago." AGAIN! Just one weekend?? Oh, and just a day ago or so 5 people were shot; 2 females, and 3 males. How crazy is that? I don't understand what is going on here for the past few years, it is getting so scary, so obnoxious. I don't know what is going to happen next, but i guess we will have to see...

This is scary.