Monday, April 21, 2008

School Shootings

This topic makes me go crazy and makes me think for a while.
When i read the article on the school shooting ( before going to sleep) i couldn't fall asleep for a good 2-3 hours, different thoughts were going through my mind. It's just so hard to grasp that kids like me die in those stupid shootings. Before i moved to USA i didn't even know that people are capable of coming to a school and shooting their classmates, although there was this one terrorist attack on the first day of school in Russia, where hundreds, HUNDREDS were killed. But that was the one and only time! But in this case, it's not one and only, it's not a common thing, but so close. I just can't express my feelings in a right way, i just can't believe that kids like me shoot others!

It all begins with bulling others. " You're a fag, you're gay, you're stupid" and so on. I really understand how much it feels, because once, in middle school i've been through that. And i was an immigrant it was already tough for me to adapt and others made it so much harder to adapt. But i did, it only made me stronger. But for others, this is not the case, for others coming to school and shooting their classmates is the answer! Violence has never been the right solution to a problem, ever. No matter how harsh it is, it V I O L E N C E!
I wish i could do something, i mean help others, because i know what it's like to be depressed, what it's like to be lonely. Been there, done that. But still, i keep on going no matter how hard it gets, and trust me it gets pretty hard. I just want to do something, be some kind of help to this rally sad, unfair world that we live in.

1 comment:

Sal said...

cool map thanks for finding that. I think doing small things makes a difference. Reach out to that kid who no one else wants to acknowledge. Help kids like that feel better about themselves. Let guys know that violence isn't cool, and not masculine.

p.s. your post about the family was interesting too. You are becoming your father ! HA :-)