Monday, April 21, 2008

Community Service

Well, I will start off by saying that doing community service at a nursing home is not easy! It's not that you have to do a lot of things, there is absolutely nothing hard about it, but it is just extremely hard to see the old people, how they leave their everyday life. I got to sit down with the lady whose name was Ester ( i think). It was easy to see that she didn't like it there, i mean she said she did, but it seemed that she obviously liked it better with her family. It was so heartbreaking to realize that she has a big family but it is too hard for them to look after her. She said her one daughter visits her almost everyday, and the others once in a while because they live in another state.
I am a very nice and caring person and always there to help people out. The whole 2 hours that we've spent there my heart was beating like crazy, because i was thinking about how my dad always jokes by saying " Well, if you put us in a nursing home make sure it's not far away from you and it's a good one." I just don't see myself doing that, how cruel is that. My parents gave me my life and everything else, and how can i let somebody else take care of them rather then me. I just won't be able to to that. And i know that my parents know that i won't do that, so it kind of makes me feel better, that they know i won't put them into a nursing home and i would take care of them. I just can't imagine them going through the everyday life at a nursing home. I am not saying that they treat people badly but it's just something that i won't ever let happen.

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