Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How we are shaped by our family.

When i used to live in Russia, my parents and I weren't best friends. I was not a good kid, and so for me, my parents were the worst. But being 13-16 is that teenager age when some people go through maturity and don't like their parents. I've grown to love my parents. With all the punishments i would get, with all the " not letting me have my life and my fun" going on i still grew to love them no matter what. Your family is the only people you can trust, especially your parents. There can be no one closer then them.
When we moved things changed. maybe it's because i've grew older, or maybe because we finally got to the place where it's save and they feel more save letting me go places without worrying too much. But my parents and I are best friends. Yes, we fight and all, but still, they both are my best friends, and there can be nothing in the world that we can't have a conversation about.
My parents have shaped me from the moment i was born ( almost). I notice the things that my dad does and I don't like it, but at the same time i do it too, and my friends don't like it. Sometimes its something that others don't do, and it can just be weird for people. My dad, for example, has to have the car clean. When i used to drive his car and my friends would get in the car, he would always yell at me saying that it is dirty in my car, because my friends didn't clean their shoes before getting into the car, and then he'll tell me not to drive anyone =) He obviously gets the fact that i still will drive others just like others drive me, but he used to say it, just to say it. if theres a scratch on the car ( you know, you parked at Jewel, and car next to you scratched your car...that happens) well it is always my fault and i am not careful ( like i can't go inside the store b/c i have to watch my car) it is always my fault no matter what =)
BUT NOW, when i bought my car, i totally get him. My car is a new car, 2008 and it still has that "new car" smell. Now when my friends get in i tell them to be careful not to scratch anything and not to make a mess, just like my dad used to tell me ( not that he doesn't now).
So there, one example of how your family shapes you and influences you in the things you do.

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