Thursday, April 24, 2008


A lot of the kids at our school, well and not only at our school, put on the masculinity mask, and act all manly and cool. They can't accept the fact that some kids around them are homosexual. If they don't like it it's their own opinion and they don't have to go around and yell it out! You can have a discussion on that topic, and just share what you feel...yeah....what you feel...But guys don't seem to "share what they feel" because they are too cool for that. They can just tell us what they think, but i thinking sharing what you feel and telling what you think are two different things. They try to show us that they have no sensitive side( sorry guys=))) I guess that's just the way some guys are, that is the way they have been shaped by the society and by their families. Some of them are just scared to not be accepted because they are way too sensitive, or maybe they are going to be made fun of. But for what? For just sharing what you feel? That is so stupid, that is how people are so depressed, they hide everything inside and then at some point all of that has to come out, and that's when we turn on the TV and hear " ...another shooting"...I mean there is nothing wrong with sharing what you feel, what you think, this is America, this is the country where you have to right to do that, to share you feelings. In some other countries the topic of homosexuality may be prohibited between the group of friends. Some will never even talk about it, some will eventually, but it won't be any positive things. Here, it is deviant to do so, but maybe trying and changing something can bring a big change to our society? Maybe it can, maybe it can't?!!

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