Monday, March 3, 2008

Bronx Tale

What i found very powerful and intersting in the movie is how Sonny acts toward Collogero. Collogero is just a little boy that doesn't understand what is around him yet. His dad is a bus driver and obviously their lives were hard. Sonny's money attracted Collogero and he, without a real understanding of what he is getting himself into, went to work for Sonny, and make some decent money. Collogero's dad tried to keep him away from Sonny and his crew, but it was hard because bar was so close to their apartment, and it was hard to keep and eye on him because he was working. Collogero's dad new what his son was getting into and he tried to stop him, but Collogero would just sneak out and be with Sonny. I felt so bad for his dad, he tried so hard to be the best dad and make money to support his family, he was such an honest man, and his only son would sneak out to Sonny, because Sonny was some kind of idol to him.
If Collogero would grow up not knowing who Sonny was and not being his "friend", he would not end up just like Sonny after his death...

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