Monday, March 3, 2008

Different cultures...

Every country has a different culture, different way of life and a different way of thinking. For us, Russians, it is sometimes strange how Americans think and how they act, but for Americans it is incredibly strange how Russians live and survive as some might think. Not everything is as bad as it may seem.
Speaking about toilets that were in the ground, weren't you surprised to see those kinds of toilets? I bet. But i wasn't. For example some Russian schools have those kind of toilets, because schools can't afford to buy a regular one. Some theaters, libraries, or clubs have those kind of toilets and it is a very common thing in my city. It was funny for me to listen to the class discuss how to use them properly, and how far to pull down the pants or which way to sit, because i already knew that and it was just weird that you couldn't really figure it out. But at the same time, i would have the same reaction to something that i have never seen or used before.
Another example of differences in cultures would be the way people drive. In America almost every driver is polite and will let you go in front or let you pass or something. But in Russia you could wait for years and no one will let you go in front. Everyone seem to be in a hurry all the time =) So there you go, even the way people drive is different. Also, sales associates at the stores are not very nice and polite, but the other way, they can almost yell at you and give you a look. Or you could be waiting in line for few minutes while the cashier finishes talking about how she went out last night.
I went home this summer and i've been away for 2 years. When i came back i was somewhat surprised, but at the same time i knew what to expect. But even knowing what to expect i got in a fight with a waiter at a restaurant during my first night, and in a fight with a cashier the next. I am used to being welcomed and greeted at the door and the waiters being nice and polite, but that was not the case. To top it off the waiter added another 30$ to the bill for things we didn't even order. So me, having experience as an American resident i knew what to say. She suffered. =)And i can't tell you how many times there were little arguments and fights with people, just because i was so used to American way of life...

Bronx Tale

What i found very powerful and intersting in the movie is how Sonny acts toward Collogero. Collogero is just a little boy that doesn't understand what is around him yet. His dad is a bus driver and obviously their lives were hard. Sonny's money attracted Collogero and he, without a real understanding of what he is getting himself into, went to work for Sonny, and make some decent money. Collogero's dad tried to keep him away from Sonny and his crew, but it was hard because bar was so close to their apartment, and it was hard to keep and eye on him because he was working. Collogero's dad new what his son was getting into and he tried to stop him, but Collogero would just sneak out and be with Sonny. I felt so bad for his dad, he tried so hard to be the best dad and make money to support his family, he was such an honest man, and his only son would sneak out to Sonny, because Sonny was some kind of idol to him.
If Collogero would grow up not knowing who Sonny was and not being his "friend", he would not end up just like Sonny after his death...