Thursday, January 31, 2008

The awkwardness of silence

I think that people in United States are very uncomfortable with the silence. But since i am from another country i can say that it is nothing weird about silence in Russia. On the other hand people are silent, they don't talk to each other if they don't know each other. Like no one would tell you that they like your bracelet if they don't know you or not many people would just start talking to you out of nowhere. I think that it is a very good thing that people talk to each other in an empty room, because silence is kind of awkward. Talking makes time go by faster. Also, all people are listeners, but not all people are good listeners...
There are people that i can sit in a room with and not talk, but that is mostly because i am very shy when it comes to talking, because i am not very confident with my English and i just don't want other people listen to me talk with an accent, because i personally don't like accents, especially Russian accents =) So i try no to talk much. But with my Russian friend i talk non stop.
Even though some people say that silence is golden i personally think that it depends. When you talk to someone about the weather, or music, or some things that are not really related to you, then why not. It is a huge time killer.
I am sure that people like music on their blogs or elsewhere because they just like music and of course to fill the air in with music. I have music on all the time when possible, because i don't like silence as well, but also, i like listening to music that brings back good memories, and a lot of songs have a good meaning in them. Listening to songs that i have some memories with bring me good mood and it is nice to remember things that have happened in the past...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My first blog

Blogging seems to be very cool. Well, i have an online diary that i write in every once in a while, so i kind of do blogging every once in a while. I started the diary few years ago when i moved to United States. My friends go and read what i write so they know what is going on with my life. So i think blogging here is going to be pretty cool as well, because i can share my thoughts with the class and also read what they have to say.